Your home is more than just a roof over your head.
Home is the starting place of all hopes and dreams, a place that revives and nurtures you. It’s the place that fosters your inner life.
With intention and the ancient art of Feng Shui, your home can become an inspirational, life-affirming container for your personal growth, health, wealth and happiness.
What your senses experience in your home or workspace impacts your feelings, thoughts, comfort and outlook on life. You might not be aware how  your surroundings affect your work and your well-being, and, at the same time, how your surroundings mirror who you are and what is happening in your life.
You are always in a two-way conversation with your environment, either consciously or unconsciously. Feng Shui provides the tools to make this conversation conscious and intentional, aligning your inner yearnings and outer worlds. 
Using appropriate symbols, enhancements, and changes in your environment, Feng Shui redirects mental patterns and behaviors to direct you towards your desired goals and soul-longings. Your home becomes a beautiful, balanced, energetic support.
Your home becomes your own personal fairy godmother, helping you reach your highest potential.  

What is Essential Feng Shui®?
Feng Shui is the ancient art and science of placement, of creating beautiful and balanced environments that are in harmony with people and nature. It focuses on how your home and work environments promote or diminish your health, wealth, relationships, and happiness. Using the tools of Feng Shui, we can arrange the objects we have in our external world to manifest or anchor the desires of our internal world. Feng Shui is based on an ancient Chinese philosophy developed over 3,000 years ago that centers on three main concepts:
All things are alive with vital energy (ch’i).
All things are connected.
All things are always changing.

Essential Feng Shui® is based on classic Form School Feng Shui, encompassing a number of tools, including the Bagua, the Five Elements, and Yin/Yang balance from traditional Form School. It focuses on safety, comfort, beauty and functionality in the space. Essential Feng Shui® forgoes specific ‘cures’ and ‘enhancements’ specific to Eastern culture and instead uses items that are personally meaningful to each client to create change in the energy of the space.
Are you ready to use Feng Shui to create a more intentional living environment and life?  Contact me.
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Inspired Spaces Feng Shui
Aurora, CO 80016

Providing On-Site and VirtualFeng Shui Consultations,
Classes, and Presentations
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